ARLINGTON, TX - If you've never sat through a Browns football game in December in the freezing
rain at the old Cleveland Municipal Stadium, and felt the cold of the concrete beneath your boots
(double socks or not) creep up your legs like a frigid anaconda, you probably can't fully appreciate
what's rising up in Arlington TX -- the new Dallas Cowboy stadium.
Mammoth Cleveland Municipal is just a memory, its 64-year reign on Cleveland's windswept
lakefront coming to an end with its demolition in 1995 and its replacement with open-air, natural-turf
Browns Stadium in 1999. And yes, the snow and wind still whip in off of Lake Erie and make NFL
football in November and December a chilly experience at the site.
But, how bot dem Cowboys, eh?
Apart from the New York Yankees, what other team
is ready to plunk down a cool $1 billion for a new
stadium, in this case $1.1 billion. For that price, the
stadium better get lots of use, and it looks like it will.
It's already being touted as perhaps "the most used
stadium ever built." In addition to being the home field
for the NFL Cowboys, the Stadium, designed by HKS
Architects, is going to host the 2011 Super Bowl, the
2010 AT&T Cotton Bowl, the 2010 NBA All-Star
Game, the 2014 NCAA men's Final Four basketball
tournament, maybe even World Cup soccer and
NCAA lacrosse.
The retractable roof stadium will have three different
Matrix synthetic fields from SportsField for three
different sports -- one for the Cowboys, one for
college football and one for soccer. The Matrix
trademarked field is an advanced version of the
RealGrass surface that the Cowboys have played on
at Texas Stadium the past eight years.
"This is the only stadium in the NFL that has the option to have as many different kinds of fields as
they want and can change out for every event," said Reed J. Seaton, CEO of Hellas Construction,
which is installing the fields.
The new field is unique in several other ways, including its "roll-up" design. The field can be rolled up
in strips and stored under staging areas along the sidelines at field level. In other words, one field
can be rolled up and another laid down, reportedly within a day's time.
Dec 3, 2008
Athletic Turf News
The new Cowboys Stadium will have three different
fields, a huge center-huge video display board and a
retractable roof. (Image courtesy HKS Architects.)
Athletic Turf - New Dallas Cowboy Stadium will wow fans Page 1 of 2
http://www.athleticturf.net/athleticturf/content/printContentPopup.jsp?id=569458 12/11/2008The Stadium, which will seat 80,000, with the possibility of expansion to 100,000, is to be done in
August, and the Cowboys will play its first home game there in September. Although the Stadium is
yet to sell naming rights, some folks are referring to it as "Jerry World," in reference to team owner
Jerry Jones.
It replaces Texas Stadium, which opened in 1971, as the Cowboys home.
Click here to see an audio/visual of the focusing on the Stadium's fields.
"Dallas Cowboys' new stadium to feature three separate synthetic fields," The Dallas Morning News,
Dec. 2 "Austin firm gets Cowboys turf deal," Austin Statesman, Dec. 3