WICHITA, KA - The Wichita Public Schools opened bids on June 4 for the artificial turf installation project at five high schools which is the first major project of the $370 million bond issue approved in November 2008.
The competitive bid process included an extensive contract pre-approval process, attendance at a mandatory pre-bid conference and a turf product pre-approval process. The bid tabulations are posted on the USD 259's website.
Read the Bid Tabulations
"We are pleased that we were able to get bids that were lower than our original project budget of $3.7 million," said Julie Hedrick, Director of Design and Construction. "Hellas Construction, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder on this project, provided a bid that came in at 2-percent under budget."
"We did everything possible to provide a fair and open process, and we are very excited for our students who will be able to have artificial turf fields installed for the fall sports season." The bid will go before the Board of Education for approval on June 15.
Susan Arensman, Wichita's Public Information Officer, believes the board will approve the bid. East, Heights, Northwest, South and Southeast are slated to receive artificial turf fields this fall in phase one of the bond issue plan.
Turf fields at West, North and the new high schools will be bid at a later date.