After building a first class facility, regular maintenance and cleaning will extend the lifespan and good looks of your surfaces. Hellas offers cleaning equipment, technicians, and education. Our line of maintenance solutions not only enhance, but guarantees every field looks and feels new long after its completion. Our maintenance services and equipment, including the Clean Sweep Cleaning Service, and the epiQ TRACKS Cleaning System, grants our clients the ability to maintain their fields optimized.
It’s simple—Hellas will be there for you whenever you need them.
The Clean Sweep® Service by Hellas is a cleaning, grooming, and maintenance service that quickly revitalizes your field. Most synthetic turf fields that have high levels of usage and foot traffic need to be cleaned regularly to prolong the lifespan of the field.
Hellas Construction offers track maintenance services and equipment to protect and prolong the life of running tracks. Every track surface has a life span due to utilization factors, but Hellas’ unique sports track cleaning system can help maintain surface quality and appearance long after the running track’s installation. Routine maintenance of your running track also reduces wear which increases the longevity of the surface.